Purple Cars
Purple Cars | All Makes
What’s with the color Purple? Prince titled his hit album Purple Rain; When he passed the White House became purple. James Dean said the only thing that rhymed with purple is maple surple… Chug-a-lug. Ok, we get that, but we’re talking cars here. Purple. Cars. Enjoy.
Purple cars are few and far between because automakers produce what people want and not a lot of people want to buy purple cars. While deep metallic purples are not uncommon for expensive, exotic supercars, the potential negative impact on the residual value of a car in purple isn’t a popular choice for mass-produced vehicles. What Two Colors Make Purple? When you mix Blue and Red together you get Purple. But what if you’re looking for a different shade of purple? You can create different shades of purple by mixing different shades of red and blue. If you mix Warm Red with Blue you get a nice deep purple. Whereas if you mix a lighter shade of blue and warm red you will get a lighter purple. The color combinations are endless!.