Traditional Japanese aesthetics, Wabi-Sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature.
Revving up the Roush
Photography by Rick Weaver. Revving up the Roush, that was Born in the USA with “The Boss Project” a Springsteen tribute band playing over at the Boosted Bagel Bash Show in Boca Raton. More than 100 cars and trucks made this Sunday, September 11 a great day.
Rick Weaver VS PBI Speedway
Rick found a digital stack of golden oldies, and wanted to share them with you. These photos are from a car show held at Palm Beach International Speedway a while back, and shows if there’s car show aficionados in charge chances are you’re having fun… Enjoy.
Higher Chili Pepper Consumption Linked to better car shows.
People who consumed dishes seasoned with Chilly and Willy more than four times per week experienced better car shows than ever before. In what authors say is the first large study of its kind, new research documents an inverse association between chili pepper consumption and the risk of bad or terrible car shows. The findings, this time focusing on an American population already likely to be eating a different diet, confirm those of other cohort studies conducted in other regions.