Abacoa Downtown Car Show 2
ABACOA DOWNTOWN CAR SHOW CSC correspondent Rick Weaver, reports after a downpour of thunder and rain, the skies parted...
ABACOA DOWNTOWN CAR SHOW CSC correspondent Rick Weaver, reports after a downpour of thunder and rain, the skies parted...
Rosalita's Tex-Mex Grill Car Show CSC correspondent Rick Weaver hit the pavement at the Palm Beach Classics Car club...
Brass Monkey Car Show 4 CSC Correspondent Rick Weaver says the Brass Monkey show was about the best he...
Summer Crush Winery Car Show CSC correspondent Rick Weaver, traveled to Ft. Pierce to report on the Summer Crush...
Dee's Rascals Sonic Car Show 3 Correspondent Rick Weaver, was searching for a Sonic Dog and I was looking...
Cars and Coffee Car Show Correspondent Rick Weaver, covered this well attended show today. This was an informal Cars...
Ellie's 50's Diner Car Show Correspondent Rick Weaver covered Ellie's 50's Diner Cars Show Friday, May 21 2021. Once...
HarbourSide Place Car Show South East Classics Car Show held its monthly car show at Harbourside Place in Jupiter,...
Dania Pointe Round 4 Dania Pointe Round 4. The show started at 10:00 with judging at 12:30 and was...
LAKE WORTH CAR SHOW If you're in Palm Beach County and need a car show fix, every Saturday from...
BRASS MONKEY SH:3 CarShowCruisers.com correspondent Rick Weaver confirms all is smooth running at the Brass Monkey Bar and Grill....
ASPHALT ANGELS ROUND 2 Once again the Asphalts Angels put on a great show. Lots of cars and trucks...
PBC CLASSIC CAR SHOW CarShowCruisers.com correspondent Rick Weaver reports all is well at Duffy's Bar and Grill. The PBC...
KIWANIS CAR SHOW CarShowCruisers.com correspondent Rick Weaver says the Kiwanis show was a great success. DJ Tom provided the...
DEE'S SONIC | SH:2 CarShowCruisers.com correspondent Rick Weaver, covered Dee's Rascal's at the Sonic Drive In in Boynton Beach...